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My 2D Platformer Game

Unreal Engine based 2D platformer

Client Brief

Whilst on my Game Design course (2022) our first major task of the year was to create a 2D game of our choosing following a brief which was as follows: A 2D Platformer that kids (7-20 I think it was) are able to play easily and has a minimum of 3 levels that the player can complete.

Game Engine

For this task we were given lessons on how to utilise Unity properly to create a simple 2D platformer however since I had previous years of experience in Unreal Engine I asked the teacher whether I could work at it my own way as I believe Unity would have held me back majorly in creating the game and he allowed me to.

Unreal Engine was my choice of game engine however it was very weird to utilise for creating a 2D platformer as Unreal is mostly known and used for 3D games only hence why I wanted to give myself that challenge as Unity would have been too simple to make it mostly. Unreal has got a built in 2D system for flat worlds and so on but it is extremely old and hasn’t been updated much since Unreal Engine 4.0 in 2014 and it has slowly gotten buggier and buggier from my experience.

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy